Discovering Zuidlaren: Exploring Nature and History along the Pieterpad in Drenthe

  1. Exploring the Pieterpad: Groningen to Zuidlaren
  2. Here, Some Hotels in Zuidlaren
  3. Explore Nearby: Top excursions around Zuidlaren

Exploring the Pieterpad: Groningen to Zuidlaren

Welcome to this adventure along the Pieterpad! In this leg of the journey, we follow Wessel as he walks from Groningen to Zuidlaren, crossing the border between the provinces of Groningen and Drenthe. This marks the second of the six provinces that make up the famous Pieterpad. Let's dive in and discover the key highlights along this route.

Starting in Groningen, Wessel begins his walk along the Reitdiep, a charming waterway that soon transforms into the Noord-Willemskanaal. This canal connects the city of Groningen to the rest of the Netherlands, making it an essential water route. As he progresses, Wessel points out two artificial lakes, the Hoornse Meer and the Paterswoldse Meer. The Hoornse Meer was created through peat extraction, while the Paterswoldse Meer came into existence due to sand needs for infrastructure projects.

Walking further, Wessel reaches the lowest point along the Pieterpad, around half a meter below sea level. From here on, the path gradually inclines. He takes a break after walking 7 kilometers, with another 18 to go. Along the way, he notices the Paterswoldse Meer, providing a beautiful backdrop to the landscape. In this area, he spots the famous "de Helper" windmill, which was relocated to make way for a highway.

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Continuing the journey, Wessel passes through Haren, where the landscape begins to change. To the right, the riverscape of the Drentse Aa unfolds, characterized by its natural beauty. On the left, he mentions the Hondsrug, a slightly elevated region compared to the Drentse Aa. Unfortunately, due to housing development, the Hondsrug is not visible during this stretch.

After a few kilometers, Wessel arrives at Spoorbrug Onnen, a bridge over the train tracks that dates back to 1920. From here, one can travel to the city of Assen in one direction and Groningen in the other. On the left, he points out the Appèlbergen, a field that served as a military practice area and witnessed significant resistance activity during World War II. The Appèlbergen is also known as the northernmost place in the Netherlands where vipers can be found.

As Wessel continues, he highlights the significance of the province of Drenthe, particularly its dolmens. These ancient grave monuments were built by early humans who inhabited the region. Although the northernmost dolmen in the Netherlands is visible in the distance, Wessel doesn't venture into the bushes to explore it, considering his fatigue after already hiking 18 kilometers.

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Finally, approaching Zuidlaren, Wessel passes a psychiatric institution that was originally established in 1892 as a "lunatic asylum." Today, it functions as a psychiatric institution and out of respect for the residents' privacy, Wessel refrains from filming inside. This marks the end of his journey for the day, as he heads towards his camping site, just three kilometers away.

This leg of the Pieterpad offers a combination of natural beauty, historical landmarks, and a glimpse into the provinces of Groningen and Drenthe. Wessel's adventure continues as he spends the next four nights camping. Stay tuned for his upcoming episodes, where he will uncover more captivating tales along the Pieterpad.

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